"In computing, a hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem." by Wikipedia.
Quite often it is confused who is a hacker and who is cracker. This publication makes very clear the difference between those two roles and focuses quite often on the supremacy of the hacker. It reminded me a bit Nietzsche Übermensch which basically describes life after God, new values, transcendence and so on. I believe that who ever has read it has their own ideas and values of it.
Fortunate when I got forward into this publication then it pulled a bit back about hackers supremacy in the world and started to talk about how they are precious and you cannot waste them to solve the same puzzle twice. Who ever wants to solve the same thing twice?
Read the paragraph point of style. It has got 7 points what to do in order to get yourself to perfection so you could call yourself an hacker. Work, play, do science, art, read, make things, train in martial arts, meditate, have an ear for music, play an instrument, appreciate puns, be skilled in all areas of computer related skills, know 5 programming languages, program in them, be fluent at least in one of them, write open source software, debug somebody else's, publish useful information, make FAQ lists, administrate mailing lists, moderate newsgroups, propagate the culture, learn and use open-source Unix, learn to use World Wide Web, write HTML, English is not native - learn it. SOLVE PROBLEMS.
It made me also think about once great movie which contains a lot of philosophical phrases. We are stretching to 8 billion on this planet. There is one scene in movie classics which reminded me of this all story, or at least the first part of the dialog matches it. I maybe harsh, but I believe that I am not so far away with this link:
Being in that sense of a hacker, is there any difference than being a monk in a monastery?
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