The piece of writing related to I026. This session concentrated on the ethics and IT. It is actually quite fun to write on those different topics. Having some guideline, make some research, write your heart out. Hopefully will have more post coming in the future as well. Need to take on some challenge.
We had to pick one company and analyze the code of ethics about this company. Since I have covered Tesla in many of my past posts here, then let's go over their Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
They have 14 sections and one for CEO and senior financial officers and of-course introduction. PDF contains total 4 pages, but also it is readable in their webpage, no need to download the file.
I made high level summary of all those chapters below. It is written in more detail in the document, but everything is very clear.
It is very specific, if you break the code, your contract with the company will be terminated and if the code of ethics conflicts with the law, then always follow the law.
1. Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
Laws of the countries are most important and if needed, always ask for help. It is straight forward and they come back and tell that laws is most important topic.
2. Conflicts of Interest
Easy and simple - do not work with competitors, do not use your position in the company to gain benefits, try to avoid loans and other guarantees between employees. If you cannot fulfill your obligations to the company, notify your superior.
3. Insider Trading
Do not use confidential information for trading.
4. Corporate Opportunities
Do not use company property for personal gains.
5. Competition and Fair Dealing
Outperform competition with fairness and honesty, not by sabotage.
6. Discrimination and Harassment
They will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind.
7. Health and Safety
Be safe, keep others safe.
8. Record-Keeping
Mark down your actual work hours, keep records in detail. Keep in mind that every e-mail, note, memo is candidate for becoming public. Be honest.
9. Confidentiality
Keep confidential information confidential.
10. Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets
Company equipment should not be used for non-Company business, though incidental personal use may be permitted.
11. Payments to Government Personnel
Do not bribe.
12. Waivers of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Any waivers of the code can be done only by the Board of Directors.
13. Reporting any Illegal or Unethical Behavior
Talk with supervisors always when you see something which shouldn't be tolerated.
14. Compliance Procedures
Ask first, act later. Do not be scared of asking and do it without fear. Anonymity will be protected if needed.
This chapter basically describes how and what are responsibilities of CEO and senior financial officers. All those chapters are understandable and it is basic ethics
I feel that Tesla's code of ethics can be easily adopted to any company and they are more than reasonable. Nothing unnecessary and it is basic ethics. Coming to think that is it ethical that I wrote this post using my company's laptop? In the end my company will benefit once I have finalized the school and even during when I am in school. Something to think about though. Since I have company's chat and e-mail client also open and will not reject any email or chat then I am not so conserned.
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