Oh sweet mother of, those are overdue for 15 days and I have seven of them. Taking each one and breaking them into the glass. Smelling it and adding them to a bowl. Now I got nice little omelet, adding some cheese and splendid breakfast is ready. Having a bit in the morning is fun. I only need to do the dishes now.
It is very hard to understand how much I sleep at the moment. If I ran out of ideas, I take a nap without alarm clock. It seems like today I slept around 4 hours, otherwise it is something like 2-3 hours. Every time I wake up I feel like a brand new person. I feel full of motivation and head is stuffed with ideas. Don't know where to start. Maybe I should make a to do list for my wall. What isn't so bad idea. I've watched James May Man Lab, tried to fix my guitar, watched some movies on television what actually are not so shabby - Sparkle, Manny and Lo, Blood and Wine,
James May Man Lab is actually really funny. Over my exceptions. It really keeps me thinking where the mankind is going. A regular man cannot even replace his car wheel under 45 minutes, uses steel square for a hammer and lacks basic wallpapering skills. Here is a first episode from season two ->
My guitars neck is bit off the right shape and it is all due air moisture. I added 2 bowls of water near my guitar and hopefully air moisture will increase in my apartment and it will be fixed simply like that. First reason to hate central heating apartment. Guitar needs it around 30%. Hopefully I will achieve this soon. It already sounded better when I tried it.
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