
Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605

Had one of the best 20 minutes nap of all time. Took a glass full of ice cold rum+Pepsi. Opened the valves and added some bubbles to my bath. Turned on some chill music collection on Youtube. Closed my eyes, woke up 10 minutes later, saw, nothing was going on, had a very relaxing sleep. Did the same thing over. Some people say that you may drown this way, but that doesn't happen if you are sober, not high on something and you aren't very tired. Still I suggest not to try this at home.

Today also is quite amazing day. The 5th of November - Guy Fawkes and Gunpowder Plot of 1605. The man had a vision to fight against the government , okay his methods was not legal, but he had a vision. Blow up the House of Lords. I really love the movie what was done after it - V for Vendetta. I highly recommend it. This movie really shows that no matter how messed up is your countries government, the one's who is running it, are the people, people like you. It only takes a simple thing - open your eyes, like you open them every morning and see the world around you. Imagine if you will have 500 masks of Anonymous and you and other mask owners will stand at your town square, silently with a cape. What will happen?

The legend of Guy Fawkes will continue most likely for centuries.

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